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Partner with us as we strive to be a lighthouse in Chicago, America, and to the ends of the earth

Ways to Give
In Person

There are many ways to give a tithe or offering.

1. Write a check to Uptown Baptist Church. Remember to note as tithe, offering, or for any special purposes you like.


1. In service on Sunday mornings.

2. Mail the check to:

Uptown Baptist Church

1011 W Wilson Ave

Chicago IL 60640

3. Drop off your tithe or offering in person at the church's mailbox located on the Wilson Avenue entrance.


You can click the green link labeled "Give Now" above.  This link will take you to our giving app.  You can do a one-time gift or set up an account for recurring gifts.  

Giving App

1. Go to your app store and download the app.

2. Set up your account with your email address and choose a password and pin.  

3. Add form of payment.

4. Choose Uptown Baptist Church Chicago, IL.  

5. You can set up recurring gift by checking the box labeled "Recurring Giving" or uncheck the box for one-time gifts.

6. To cover administrative fees, check the box "Cover Fees", otherwise fees will come out of the amount you gave. 

7. Click the button labeled "Give"  








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